
Instructions for patients - Eye Care

Correct way of instilling eye drops
Correct way of instilling eye drops
  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling.
  3. Using your index finger gently pull down your lower eyelid to form a pocket.
  4. Squeeze 1 drop into the pocket.
  5. Do not let the bottle tip touch your eye, your fingers or any other surface.
  6. Blot out excess solution which flows out with a tissue as some drugs can cause irritation to the skin around the eye.
  7. If you are using more than one eye drop, wait for 5 minutes before putting the second drop.
  8. To minimize absorption of the drug into the blood stream and maximize the amount of the drug absorbed in the eye- close your eye for 1-2 minutes after putting the drops and press with your index finger lightly against in the inferior nasal corner of your eyelid to close the tear duct which drains into the nose.
Contact lens handling, care and maintenance
Contact lens handling, care and maintenance
  1. Wash your hands always wash your hands before handling lenses.
  2. Finger nails should be short and smooth to avoid damaging to lenses or scratching the eye.
  3. Rinse lens: Always rinse and clean the lens before wearing.
  4. Makeup: Always lens first. Before putting up the makeup always put the lens on the eye first and then the lens and remove lens before removing the makeup.
  5. Solution: Always store your lenses in new solution.
Post operative care
Post operative care

General instructions for post operative patients after surgery,

  1. Eye shield: Please use eye shield for protection when you sleep. You may use dark glasses during daytime. Please wash the eye shield and glasses with soap and water each day and dry the same before use.
  2. Washing the face: Cleaning of the operated eye will be as per the instructions given by the doctor/ nurse. The rest of the face can be mopped with a clean and wet cloth. Avoid splashing water into the operated eye.
  3. Shaving: Shaving is permitted. But avoid splashing water after shaving. Instead, clean with a wet cloth.
  4. Bathing: You can bathe below neck from the first postoperative day itself. But avoid head bath for a period of 10days.
  5. Use of facial cosmetics: Avoid cosmetics to the eye such as mascara, eye liners etc. for at least 10 days.
  6. Physical activity: Activities such as walking, talking, TV viewing can be resumed immediately after surgery.
  7. Driving: Avoid driving till your surgeon gives you permission.
  8. Joining back duties: You may have to check with your doctor regards to the exact date of joining duty.
  9. You may resume your sexual life a week or two after the surgery.
  10. The following symptoms may be expected after most surgeries: Some amount of redness, watering, foreign body sensation, and glare are common. The severity varies with the type of surgery. These symptoms will reduce with time and usually disappear by 1-2 weeks.
  11. If you have any worsening of the symptoms and specifically if there is increasing redness, pain or decreased vision please report as emergency to AARAV EYE CARE.

Emergency Services are Available Round The Clock.

Procedure for cleaning the eye
Procedure for cleaning the eye
  1. Wash your hands always wash your hands before handling lenses.
  2. The operated eye needs to be cleaned at least twice a day.
  3. The attendant performing this task should wash the hands with soap and water and dry them with a clean towel.
  4. You may use the disposable tissue supplied at the hospital for this purpose.
  5. Cleaning the lower lid is done by asking the patient to look up and wiping all the secretions sticking to the lower lid margin.
  6. Cleaning the upper lid is done by asking the patient to look down and doing similar procedure.
  7. Similarly the outer and inner corners of the eye are cleaned.
  8. Once the margins and corners are cleaned, the eye drops can be instilled and then the surrounding areas can also be cleaned.