Low Vision Clinic
Low vision services helps maximizing their remaining vision of the adults and school-aged children through optical aids, supply of specialty equipments and demonstration of practical techniques at home and outside the society.
The service is centre based (i.e. in Aarav Eye Care and Retina Centre).
Low vision is a condition in which vision cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, surgery or medicines.
Causes of Low Vision
Eye diseases are common causes of Low Vision.
- Diabetic Retinopathy-causes blind spots, blurriness and visual distortions
- Age Related Macular Degeneration- blurred or partially obscured central vision
- Cataracts-hazy blurry vision
- Glaucoma causes poor peripheral vision
- Retinitis Pigmentosa reduces peripheral vision and ability to see in the dark.
- Light sensitivity and loss of contrast are other symptoms of these and other eye diseases.
- Heredity and eye injury can also cause low vision.
Those with low vision typically have difficulty in reading writing recognizing faces, watching TV, bus numbers train indicators or engaging in other daily activities.
At our Low vision care service we helped visually impaired people to maximize their remaining vision with help of special low vision aids which includes,
- Magnifiers (Spectacle Magnifiers, Stand Magnifiers, Hand Magnifiers)
- Telescopes for seeing TV, bus numbers and black board in school for children and
- Non optical devices which include Writing Guides, Signature Guides, Needle threader, extra light.