Eye Care Services

Glaucoma Services

Glaucoma Services

Glaucoma is a group of diseases in which the main risk factors are high fluid pressure within the eye. it is one of the leading causes of blindness.

All glaucoma disorders are characterized by vision loss, optic nerve damage. The optic nerve provides pathway from eyeball to brain. If doctor discovers it early and the patient follows directions carefully, the damaging effect of glaucoma can be addressed.

Types of Glaucoma
  • Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

    It is the most common form of glaucoma, damages vision gradually and painlessly. Pressure is Rarely high enough to be symptomatic.

  • Angel Closure Glaucoma

    This type of glaucoma is also known as narrow angle glaucoma. It occurs suddenly and when the colored part of your eye that is iris is pushed or pulled forward. this causes blockage of the drainage angle of the eye.

  • Symptoms may include eye pain, headache, halos around the light, dilated pupils, Nausea, Vomiting.

    Acute angle closure glaucoma is a emergency. if the high pressure is not reduced within hours, it may cause vision loss.

Who are at Risk
  • People with family history of glaucoma.
  • Those above 40 years of age and have not had an eye examined before by an ophthalmologist.
  • People with diabetes mellitus, hypertension or who have had eye injury
  • Anyone with complaints of redness pain and watering in eyes
  • Secondary to other ocular conditions (cataract, inflammation in the eye or tumors)
  • Those who use steroid drops, ointments or tablets
How is Glaucoma Diagnosed?

To detect glaucoma doctor will conduct the following examinations,

  • Vision: A routine vision test that includes reading letters at specific distances
  • Tonometry : The pressure inside the eye is measured using Applanation Tonometer attached to the slitlamp.
  • Gonioscopy: An examination of the angle of the eye is done with the help of Gonioscope.
  • Optic disc examination after dilatation of the eye is also required. It is done using a special lens on slitlamp or with Oct machine.
  • Perimetry Test: To confirm the diagnosis doctor will also conduct an automated field or perimetry test to find the field loss.

Medical treatment

  1. Eye drops

    There are number of medicines available for lowering the IOP in glaucoma patients. When taken regularly and continuously as prescribed, they control the eye pressure either by slowing the formation of aqueous fluid within the eye or by increasing the flow at the drainage areas.

  2. Tablets

    These are sometimes combined with eye drops to reduce the eye pressure.

  3. Laser Treatment for Glaucoma

    Laser is the treatment of choice for angle closure glaucoma and may also be performed for open angle glaucoma.

  4. Laser peripheral Iridotomy

    This procedure is important in angle closure glaucoma where a relative papillary block prevents the flow of fluid. Herein an opening is made in the iris with a laser machine for the fluid to drain from posterior to the anterior chamber.

  5. Laser Trabeculoplasty

    The laser cleans the pores/ spaces in the trabecular meshwork and increases the outflow of aqueous thereby decreasing IOP. This is done for open angle glaucoma.

  6. Surgery

    The most common surgery performed for glaucoma is “Trabeculectomy” where a small guarded hole is made in the coats of the eye to drain out the fluid from inside the eye, thereby reducing the eye pressure.